Thoughts. Perspectives. Opinions. Feel free to agree, disagree, or add to the conversation as you see fit.

Living as Christians in a Time of Pandemic
The God Who Loves Us Christians believe that God rules with love, justice, and gracious care over the humans he created in his image, and all of the created order. The Mennonite Brethren Confession of Faith (CoF) begins with this statement: “We believe in the one, true, living God, Creator of heaven and earth. God […]

How a Bad Day of Tree Planting Taught Me to Work Smarter in Ministry
Hard work is not the same as smart work. Years ago, I spent a summer tree planting in northern British Columbia. One day, I decided that I would plant as many trees as fast as I could. I was flying across the planting area! At the end of the day, my boss checked my work. […]

How Church Leaders Can Build Greater Trust
We all know a leader who has made a major mistake. Perhaps this very thought reminds you of the story of your former pastor. Or maybe the leader of a well-known organization. Perhaps you instinctively think of what’s happening in your church right now. Or you might consider the regret that you’re currently trying to […]

Church as Community – The Great Collective
In biblical teaching about Christian discipleship, we are accustomed to hearing about the Great Commission (Matt. 28) and the Great Commandment (Matt. 22). These two great teachings identify the inner and outer directions of obedience to Christ. I’d like to introduce a third great teaching into your theological consciousness – the Great Collective. It is […]

4 Signs You Might Be Running Away
I’m fascinated by the story of Jonah and it has nothing to do with the fish. Don’t get me wrong; I have nothing against the fish—it plays a critical role in the story. I just find that scene too hard to relate to. Jonah, on the other hand, is easy to relate to. He’s more […]

How to Prepare for a Successful Pastoral Search
Looking for a new pastor can be a daunting challenge. Many churches can feel overwhelmed by the urgent need and can easily forget critical elements in the search process. Here are a series of tips I recommend to help your church prepare for a successful pastoral search. Pray much We cannot underestimate the incredible importance […]

How to Pray When You’re Distracted
Do your silent prayers sometimes get ambushed by your overloaded brain? For example, when you pray for your friend, do you suddenly think of his smile and it reminds you of how happy he looks when his mouth of full of his favourite candy? And this image then reminds you of the sweet taste of […]
5 Ways to Improve Your Small Group Prep Time
I believe most small group leaders spend too much of their prep time on the study. I don’t say this because I don’t believe group studies have value, but because they don’t hold more value than other parts of a group meeting. Jim Egli and Dwight Marable’s research findings show that time spent preparing lessons […]
The Ideal Personality of a Small Group Leader
Take a moment to imagine the ideal—dare I say perfect—small group. What does it look like to you? What do you hear? I see a cozy living room with comfortable seats for everyone. My ears hear friendly chatter, my nose smells fresh baking, and my mind is energized by engaging conversations. Now think of […]
How to Develop a Personal Growth Plan
A growth plan gives us a proven path for turning our goals into reality. As you consider a change that you would like to make in your life, I encourage you to channel that desire into the development of a personal growth plan for the next six months. These three steps will help you put […]